Russ Edwards

Born in Virginia of a family that cherished its roots. my lifelong goal was to be a historian. However the circumstances of life dictated that this wouldn’t happen. Today this blog, and hopefully a book will in some way make up for it.

The discovery that one of my ancestors, 1st Lt. Benjamin C. Maxwell, had commanded one of the three artillery batteries left in the Muleshoe on the night before the big Federal attack, piqued my interest about the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse. Since then I have spent many happy hours roaming the woods and fields around the salient, trying to understand what happened there and why. This blog is intended to share some of that information and hopefully stimulate discussion on the matter.

While a large number of people have provided their insight, and had to endure my pestering, I would like to recognize one in particular.

The late William (Bill) Matter of Harrisburg Pa. who wrote “If it takes all Summer” deserves most of the credit for guiding me toward whatever success I may have. I will always treasure the hours spent walking the battlefield, and on the phone. Rest In Peace Bill.



3 Responses to Russ Edwards

  1. Don pfanz says:

    Nice article, Russ! I have already shared it with the descendant of a Jeff Davis Artilleryman who is coming here this spring. Two suggestions: Add footnotes and more detailed maps.



    • Russ says:

      Thanks, I appreciate the suggestions and they are well founded. Foot noting is easy, maps not so much so. But I will work on it.

      If your potential visitor is a descendant, I have some more info he may be interested. I deliberately left out account which recount the death of an individual, or in the case of less than honorable actions the name of the individual involved.

      There is a followup article on the Jeff Davis Artillery coming. But has to come after one on Carrington’s Battery at the West Angle.

      Thanks again.



  2. Just found and very much enjoyed this blog… Great info and fascinating reading.
    I’ve got a song on my Civil War CD “Dream of a Good Death,” that mentions the engagement…
    check it out at



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